Thursday, 24 January 2013


Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: A clone of Mike Okuda’s famous LCARS graphical user interface
A clone of Mike Okuda’s famous LCARS graphical user interface
Gene Roddenberry’s contract includes a clause allowing any company able to create functioning technology to use the name. As such, I have created a functioning LCARS UI.
Please contact me with suggestions/complaints instead of putting them in the reviews, as many complaints posted have been fixed already. In some cases even before the complaint was posted. Other times, the functionality is intentional. If you can’t follow this request, you can’t expect me to follow yours.
I have included a few layouts, and intend to do more.
Currently it uses your device’s sensors (so it is a working Tricorder in a sense) and detects nearby Wifi hotspots. Has a built in web browser which converts pages into LCARS format. An Alert Condition screen, an Okudagram (from the original movies) generator. You can use your Android device as a remote for a connected (via Wifi/3g) Windows PC. An auto-destruct timer (also shows the stardate) and various other animations from the show.
I have added voice recognition to control most of the screens. But due to the nature of Android’s VR API, it requires a second Android device to act as the microphone.
What’s in this version:
See or … rs/changes for changes, or click Captain’s Log within the app.
Dear BitMizer: There WAS an explanation in MULTIPLE places you claim to have checked. People requested a dialer/text messenger (see? Right there, that’s why). Again, my email address is on this page you could have asked. Are MANNERS too much to ask for? For a better explanation, contact me directly like the directions say to.
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