Friday, 25 January 2013

Calculator apk v2.6 download

Calculator v2.6
Requirements: Android 4.0 and up
Overview: The default CyanogenMod calculator! A calculator that tries to include graphing and matrix math without losing its simplicity. Slide left and right to access more panels.
Requires v4.0+. Hide your default calculator by either disabling it (v4.1+) or using a custom launcher.
-Basic arithmetic (+, -, *, /)
-Trigonometry (sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan)
-Complex numbers (5+7i)
-Graphs X,Y functions (Y=X^2)
-Basic matrix math (+, *, dot, cross) // Being re-built
-Hexadecimal and Binary support (1A+E)
-Animated history (Long press to copy)
-Hide pages you don’t need
-Click on text to move cursor
-Tablet and Smartphone supported
-Completely open source! Download the source code at…lator/tree/ics
Features compared to CyanogenMod:
-Degrees/Radians in settings
-zoom in/out buttons on graph
-new design of history
-widget on lockscreen / launcher
What’s in this version:
History is cleaned up. It should be easier to read long equations. Again, thanks to Nicholas Bourdakos for the design.
arcsin, arccos, arctan available as options when holding Sin, Cos, Tan respectively
New zoom buttons for the graph (Thanks to Nicholas Bourdakos – he also redesigned the Matrix page, which will come in a later release)
Exponents are exponent-y. Try it out – enter 2^3.
Widget bugfixes
-4×4 now
-Available on the lockscreen
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